Neo-Sensitabs - No ordinary sensitivity disc
ASM MIcrobe - Stable Antibiotic Sensitivity Disks DOI:
ABSTRACT 'Two methods of preparing sensitivity disks were compared for their effect on disk stability at 25 and 37 C. One method consisted of applying a solution of the antibiotic to blank disks by the conventional procedure; the second method consisted of applying the antibiotic to the disks as a suspension of crystals. Of the four β-lactam antibiotics that were studied, disks made with suspended crystals were substantially more stable than corresponding disks made by the conventional method.'
ABSTRACT 'Two methods of preparing sensitivity disks were compared for their effect on disk stability at 25 and 37 C. One method consisted of applying a solution of the antibiotic to blank disks by the conventional procedure; the second method consisted of applying the antibiotic to the disks as a suspension of crystals. Of the four β-lactam antibiotics that were studied, disks made with suspended crystals were substantially more stable than corresponding disks made by the conventional method.'