Fast and accurate diagnosis of atypical pneumonia is essential for prompt decision-making regarding macrolide therapy.
The eazyplex® PneumoBug expert provides direct diagnosis from Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL), bronchial, and tracheal secretions in just 25 minutes. It's the reliable tool you need for quick and effective diagnostics!
The eazyplex® PneumoBug expert provides direct diagnosis from Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL), bronchial, and tracheal secretions in just 25 minutes. It's the reliable tool you need for quick and effective diagnostics!
Key Characteristics of eazyplex® PneumoBug expert performed from BALF, bronchial secretions and tracheal secretions TATs under 30 minutes Accuracy Ease of use, No DNA extraction Suitable for single or small numbers of tests Lyophilised product means ambient storage |
eazyplex® PneumoBug expert - a fast and reliable help
for these three pathogens
"Legionella pneumophila are Gram-negative rod bacteria and pathogens of Legionnaires' disease, a serious and in approx. 9% of cases fatal pneumonia. According to a study by the network for community-acquired pneumonia (CAPNET), approx. 3.8% of all pneumonias in Germany are caused by Legionella , which corresponds to approx. 20,000 cases of Legionella infections per year. " Quote: RKI FG 11 Analysis of virulence mechanisms of the lung pathogen Legionella pneumophila Prof. Antje Flieger Incidence of Legionellosis in England & Wales in 10 months from January 1 2020 was 295 corresponding to 350 cases per year. PHE. Direct diagnosis from BAL, bronchial lavage and tracheal secretions in 25 min. The eazyplex test system is a freeze dried ready to use amplification reaction and can be stored direct at the workplace. During the amplification the result is shown in Real-Time.
Within 25 min you have all the details! |

The Genie Platforms for eazyplex®
Genie® II and the Genie® HT are the current models.
The compact Genie II is a light and robust device for rapid individual tests 24/7. The device has two heating blocks. The blocks can be controlled independntly of each other and thus offer maximum flexibility.
The Genie® HT is a modular upgrade with the option of 1 up to 12 independant working blocks for high throghput settings.
Two processing devices are currently available with interesting developments following.
The ingenious Genie® allows you to carry out fast and highly sensitive molecular diagnostics of DNA and RNA.
This powerful and extremely flexible platform enables isothermal amplification of all DNA and RNA targets in one compact device. It was specially developed for isothermal amplification assays with real-time detection based on fluorescence.
Genie® II and the Genie® HT are the current models.
The compact Genie II is a light and robust device for rapid individual tests 24/7. The device has two heating blocks. The blocks can be controlled independntly of each other and thus offer maximum flexibility.
The Genie® HT is a modular upgrade with the option of 1 up to 12 independant working blocks for high throghput settings.
Two processing devices are currently available with interesting developments following.
The ingenious Genie® allows you to carry out fast and highly sensitive molecular diagnostics of DNA and RNA.
This powerful and extremely flexible platform enables isothermal amplification of all DNA and RNA targets in one compact device. It was specially developed for isothermal amplification assays with real-time detection based on fluorescence.
The Amplex Genie & eazyplex® open a door to a wide range of LAMP diagnostics, offering TATs under 30 minutes.
Introducing Amplex eazyplex® LAMP assays to your hospital opens the door to a wide range of molecular diagnostics.
For example in under 30 minutes the eazyplex®Blood Screen will provide first steps in your ?septicaemia case. The range of assays include others that all require urgent action such as meningitis, STIs, ARMs, Candida auris etc.
Introducing Amplex eazyplex® LAMP assays to your hospital opens the door to a wide range of molecular diagnostics.
For example in under 30 minutes the eazyplex®Blood Screen will provide first steps in your ?septicaemia case. The range of assays include others that all require urgent action such as meningitis, STIs, ARMs, Candida auris etc.

The manufacturer
Amplex Diagnostics GmbH is a German-based company founded in 2002 that specialises in providing rapid and robust CE-IVD tests to aid the diagnosis of microbiological infections. One of their products was the world's first MRSA multiplex PCR test to be CE IVD-certified for testing directly from sample material.
Amplex makes the latest advanced technology available in a simple and user-friendly manner. Their eazyplex® system which can be operated intuitively, combines isothermal amplification (LAMP) with real-time detection. The eazyplex® reagents are supported by the Genie platforms which enables isothermal amplification of all DNS and RNA targets in one compact device. It was specially developed for isothermal amplification assays with real-time detection based on fluorescence and enables reading of molecular diagnostics Real-time detection within a few minutes.
Amplex Diagnostics GmbH is a German-based company founded in 2002 that specialises in providing rapid and robust CE-IVD tests to aid the diagnosis of microbiological infections. One of their products was the world's first MRSA multiplex PCR test to be CE IVD-certified for testing directly from sample material.
Amplex makes the latest advanced technology available in a simple and user-friendly manner. Their eazyplex® system which can be operated intuitively, combines isothermal amplification (LAMP) with real-time detection. The eazyplex® reagents are supported by the Genie platforms which enables isothermal amplification of all DNS and RNA targets in one compact device. It was specially developed for isothermal amplification assays with real-time detection based on fluorescence and enables reading of molecular diagnostics Real-time detection within a few minutes.